Beltropin 100 IU is the brand name of the product manufactured by Beligas Pharmaceuticals containing the active substance Somatropin (or Somatotropin) better known as Human Growth Hormone (HGH) or simply Growth Hormone. In only a short period of time, a matter of a few years, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) has surpassed almost every other performance-enhancing drug (PED) in terms of popularity.
That’s because when it comes to performance and physique enhancement – Growth Hormone (GH) has proved to be extremely helpful.
Beltropin is coming in form of vials – 10 vials x 10 IU making a total of 100 IU per pack. HGH is being used intramuscularly by injection so the users would require injections for administering Beltropin.
What is Beltropin (Human Growth Hormone) Used For? | Effects of Beltropin
Beltropin containing Human Growth Hormone – Somatotropin can be used for the exact same medical and physique and performance enhancement purposes as any other high quality HGH product that might be more or less expensive with other brand names as long as the Somatropin – Growth Hormone (GH) is high quality And is very unlikely you would find anything less expensive.
Generally, HGH is extremely effective and has numerous positive effects on the body.
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