Endofer 20 is a product formulated on the basis of a trivalent iron molecular complex, characterized by its low viscosity, high degree of absorption, high availability and harmless to the injection site.
Endofer 20 has a different technology that allows it to be presented in a practical and convenient collapsible plastic container that favors its complete use avoiding waste, its design also allows adapting the container to a Ferromatic Automatic Syringe that facilitates and speeds up the injection of large groups of animals without risk of wrong dosage.
Endofer 20 is a solution of iron dextran at 20% of trivalent elemental iron. Iron dextran is indicated in the prevention and treatment of iron-deficient anemias of domestic animals, in particular pigs. In fact, at birth, piglets have little or no iron reserves and therefore need larger amounts than those they can get from the sow’s milk. The industrial management of the farms, with the consequent lack of access to free land, favors the onset of ferroprive anemias. The consequences of this release manifest themselves already at 3-4 days from birth, with high mortality rates and with the arrest of growth in superstitious piglets an increased sensitivity towards infectious diseases. A single injection of 0, 5 ml of Endofer 20 per third at the sixth day of life is sufficient to provide piglets with an amount of iron 4 or 5 times greater than that which can be supplied by the milk of the sow in the first three weeks of life critical. dextran is in fact a complex with a high content of elemental iron, which is used completely by the body, because, due to its structural characteristics, it is absorbed quickly and completely and distributed to the red blood cell production centers and to the organs that they store it to provide for subsequent iron needs. It follows therefore an effect that is ready and at the same time prolonged in time. Although Endofer 20 is a concentrated solution of iron dextran, it is equipped with low viscosity which makes it easy to inject and with the least loss of substance, because it does not adhere to the walls of the bottle or syringe. It does not cause pain or irritation at the point of injection, it does not damage muscle tissue or color meat.
Composition1 ml contains: iron dextran equal to Iron element 200 mg; phenol 5 mg.
qb to 1 ml.
Prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemias in piglets and calves.
ContraindicationsDo not administer to animals with known hypersensitivity towards iron dextran.
The indicated doses should be administered intramuscularly, in the thigh muscle or intraperitoneally (in piglets, in particular).
Dosage and method of use Washers Anemia prevention: 0.5 ml per head, at 4 days of age. Repeat after 3 weeks if necessary. Anemia therapy: 0.5 ml per head, at the onset of the first symptoms. the symptoms are serious, double the dose or repeat it after 10-14 days. Vitamins: 2.5 ml per head.
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